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Perumin-34 Mining Convention

Perumin-34 Mining Convention

Date: 16-20th, Sept, 2019

Address: Perumin, Arequipa, Peru

LZZG Booth No.: 717

PERUMIN – CONVENCION MINERA is a 5 day event being held from 16-20 September 2019 in Arequipa , peru. This event showcases products like El Comité Organizador de PERUMIN – 32 Convención Minera invita a los profesionales mineros peruanos y extranjeros a presentar trabajos técnicos y de investigación sobre temas vinculados a la actividad minera etc. in the industry.

The most important mining event worldwide, which has positioned Peru as the meeting point of the mining industry. It has established itself as the one with the highest attendance, expectation and organization throughout its editions, due to the number of international delegations, government authorities and the variety of products and services it concentrates.

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As the market has matured it’s moved from cost minimisation to mine optimisation mode. Peru-based mining firms are well disposed to Australian innovation and are actively seeking solutions to improve production, position for further growth and raise operational standards.

PERUMIN has been central to the successful market entry and expansion strategies of many Australian METS firms. Thanks to its location in Arequipa, the capital of Peru’s southern mining belt, PERUMIN effectively captures senior executives, mine superintendents, procurement managers and technical staff for the duration. In 2017, it attracted more than 70,000 visitors and delegations from 13 countries.

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Exhibition criteria

• Mining machinery and related products and accessories

• Construction machinery and its accessories

• Transportation and logistics

• Drilling, boring and special foundations

• Material processing equipment and related products

• Safety, health and environment related products

• Geological exploration agencies and mining assessment services

• Other machinery and accessories

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